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Inclusion Fundamentals (Get-together)

The Inclusion Fundamentals workshops (Development of an inclusion service) were nicely concluded with a get-together for the participants held on Thursday 24 April 2014.  Inclusion Fundamentals is designed for corporate, voluntary welfare and government organisations that are looking to make their workplace, programmes and services more inclusive. 

We are delighted with the positive results.  Since its launch in May 2013, 6 sessions were held with 44 participants from 24 organisations participated in this workshop.  The comments from the participants are encouraging.  For the full evaluation report, please click here.  Below are examples of the participants’ comments: 

“The session exposed me to various issues that disabled people in Singapore experience.  It has allowed me to expand my scope of thinking and consider putting myself in the shoes of the disabled.”

“Best workshop I’ve ever attended”

At the get-together, the participants shared with the facilitator some of the activities/practices that they have introduced in their workplace since their attendance at the workshop.  

For example:

  • continually encouraging staff to learn sign language
  • CRPD training for members
  • flexible working arrangement to accommodate individual staff’s needs
  • staff training to generate ideas to improve services for customers
  • dissemination of information about government’s initiatives for persons with disabilities  

Some of the participants gave us further feedback on how we could improve the delivery of our workshop, such as breaking down some of the professional terminology and to encourage more persons with disabilities to attend.  Some also suggested that we conduct a mini survey amongst the participants to gather information about the policies/practices they have implemented and use this information to produce a starter-kit for employers.     

We would like to offer our thanks to the participants for their time and input.  We hope this workshop will provide them with an initial step of embracing inclusion in their work and personal life. 

If you are interested in learning more about developing your own diversity workshop then please read about our Inclusion Cultivation workshop.


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