Governance Matters
Our Story
Our People
Our Members
DPA believes in good governance, responsible leadership, being transparent and having open dialogue our community.
Annual Reports
Financial Reports
Governance Matters
Registration Information
- DPA was first registered with the Registry of Societies on 28 April 1986, registration number ROS 202/84 WEL.
- DPA was then registered with the Commissioner of Charities as a Charity under the Charities Act on 30 December 1998, Registration No. 1384.
- UEN Number: S86SS0002F
IPC Status
- IPC No: 000207
- IPC Status since: 05 November 1999
- Current IPC effective date: 01 August 2022 to 31 July 2025
Cypress Singapore PAC.
- National Council of Social Services (NCSS) since 1 December 2015.Previously DPA was an associate member.
- Member of Disabled People’s International (DPI)
Governance Policies
DPA is led by the Board of Management with guidance from DPA’s Constitution. You can download a copy of the DPA’s Constitution.
The Board of Management comprises of unpaid volunteers that are elected every three years. As required by our Constitution, the Board is made up of a majority of persons with disabilities to ensure it is representative of the community it serves. The Board also ensures that the organisation’s finances are in good order and that there is a reserve of at least one year’s operating budget.
DPA is committed to being as transparent as possible with its members, donors, partners and regulators. We adhere to the guidelines set out by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities (OCC), NCSS and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) for our charity activities. DPA publishes its annual reports and audited accounts for the last 5 years on its website.
Code of Governance
DPA is in compliance with the enhanced tier of the Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs 2017 and submits the Governance Evaluation Checklist annually through the Charity Portal. The Code covers key guidelines and best practices in areas of governance and management that charities are encouraged to adopt
Conflict of Interest Policy
DPA’s Board of Management and staff are all subject to a Conflict of Interest policy. They all sign declarations annually as an acknowledgement of having understood the policy and making clear any affiliations they may have that could be relevant to the dealings of DPA.
Whistle Blowing Policy
DPA is committed to have an open and transparent culture with the highest standards of accountability. Policies are implemented to ensure good governance, accounting, internal controls and people management.
In keeping with this, our Whistle Blowing Policy aims to provide a means through which employees, members, volunteers, donors and other stakeholders report serious wrongdoings or concerns without fear of reprisals when whistleblowing in good faith.
Examples of areas of concern include:
- General malpractice such as immoral, illegal, unlawful or unethical conduct.
- Impropriety, corruption, acts of fraud, theft and/or misuse of DPA’s properties, corruption, acts of fraud.
- Actions that undermine DPA’s Code of Conduct.
- Concerns about DPA’ accounting or internal control matters
If you would like to report a serious concern, please email DPA at [email protected]. All concerns will be reviewed by the DPA President and Vice-President and all information provided will be kept strictly confidential. These office bearers will then decide whether the matter should be escalated to the Board of Management or reviewed by an independent body.
Privacy Policy
For information about this, please view the DPA Privacy Policy.