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DPA @ One Team Singapore Rally

DPA participated in the 8th ASEAN Para Games – One Team Singapore Rally at Marina Bay on 14 November 2015. The event aims to raise awareness about disability sports, in particular the ASEAN Para Games through tryouts at disability sports and meet-and-greet sessions with Team Singapore athletes. A total of 26 people represented DPA’s participation in this event. They were DPA members, staff, volunteers and members from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation Singapore, who is DPA’s institutional member.

Since our founding in 1986, DPA has always focused on raising general awareness about disability in hopes that Singapore will become a more inclusive society where persons with disabilities are respected and treated on an equal basis with others. Thus it was especially heartwarming to see the great turnout at this event. It was reported by the Straits Times that close to 8,000 people turned up to show their support. One Team Singapore Rally was more than just an awareness-raising event on disability sports. It was also an event that changes the public attitudes towards persons with disabilities by focusing on their abilities, not their disabilities. 

DPA congratulates the organisers for a job well done and wishes our Team Singapore athletes the very best of luck with their competition!

For more information on the ASEAN Para Games, click here:


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