A team of filmmakers, David and Wen Shan, have kindly volunteered to help DPA do a video on employment issues faced by persons with disabilities. (Please see the short bio of the filmmakers below.)
This will be very useful for DPA’s publicity campaign and advocacy efforts. So we need your help to grant them a short interview – we need some ‘soundbite’ quotes from you about your experiences in finding jobs, handling interviews, and problems/solutions in the workplace and with colleagues.
About the video interview
The video interview will be short (an hour or less), and only part of the footage will be used. This means we won’t have anyone being showed talking continuously for 10 to 15 minutes. It will be more in the form of short snippets to each question from various interviewees so that viewers get to understand the employment challenges and issues faced by the disabled.
We will announce the filming venue, dates, accommodation needed and other details later. These will be done at your convenience and preferred venue.
Do also note that after the first video cut is made, all interviewees will be able to vet and approve (or reject) the footage to be used. We will only include your footage in the video with your permission.
Question list
The question list is as follows. Note the interviewer may ask other related questions.
1. What is the most common reaction you get when you apply for a job? What about when you are called up for an interview?
2. What jobs have you applied for? What made you apply for these jobs?
3. How would you like your employer/co-worker to work with you? What kind of accommodations/adjustments do you need/are you getting now? Is it enough?
4. What is the biggest challenge about getting a job?
More about the filmmakers
David and Wen Shan have written scripts and produced videos since 2008, ranging from event and corporate videos to short films. Most of their joint works are projects of personal interest, and these have been screened at The Substation’s Reel Revolution and the National Library Singapore. They’ve also won Best Film and Audience Choice at the inaugural and second 48hr Film Project in Singapore respectively.
David is currently a news videographer with The Straits Times. He has also worked as a sound designer for 10 years. Wen Shan is a freelance copyeditor and public relations consultant.
You can see their works at:
Video: http://vimeo.com/15032231
Write-up: http://www.substation.org/first-take-september-2010/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erqwzB9yFX4
Write-up: https://www.48hourfilm.com/en/singapore/2008.php
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEaUcb95YLE
If you are interested, please contact Ms Halipa at 6791 1134 or email [email protected].