Earlier this month, the Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness released its Final Report containing their final recommendations on what should be included in Singapore’s upcoming and first workplace anti-discrimination legislation – known as the Workplace Fairness Legislation (WFL).
The final recommendations by the Tripartite Committee comprise of 22 recommendations. You can click here for a list of the 22 recommendations.
The Disabled People’s Association (DPA) Singapore has made advocating for the optimisation of this legislation one of our key policy advocacy focuses in the past year and a half not only because this will be Singapore’s first workplace anti-discrimination legislation, but also because we have heard many reports through our research and from our members about the various discriminatory and attitudinal barriers that still exist for persons with disabilities in or entering the workforce in Singapore.
While the Final recommendations by the Tripartite Committee contain aspects that we welcome, it also contains areas that we would like to highlight as points of queries or potential concern.
Below are a few key points from the Tripartite Committee’s final recommendations we at DPA find particularly important to highlight for the disability community:
- Definition of discrimination on the basis of disability in the WFL as Proposed by the Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness
- New Tripartite Advisory on Providing Reasonable Accommodations to Persons with Disabilities
- Proper Grievance Handling Processes in the Workplace
Click below for our commentary on each of these points. For an elaboration of the below, and our other recommendations on the WFL, check out our 2024 report entitled “Achieving Fairness in Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Singapore”.